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State of Sales Hiring Survey Reveals Top Sales Hiring Process Improvement Opportunities

Sales hiring is a huge pain and your ability to make your number is severely hindered when you can’t fill open sales jobs with quality candidates. So what can you do to improve the process and where should you start?

As part of our joint survey conducted with SellingPower® to identify challenges and best practices in sales hiring, we asked hiring managers what would help them the most when it comes to hiring the best reps.

As you can see from the data, hiring managers overwhelmingly believe that better sourcing technology would help them the most. This is followed by better screening technology and a relative tie between receiving better support from recruiters and a simplified recruiting process. 

These solutions tie back to the top challenges of attracting enough applicants to the job and passing fewer unqualified candidates to hiring managers for consideration. 

Please check back with us as we share more about this insightful survey. Download the full survey report here!

What are you doing to improve your sales hiring process?

For B2B sales organizations needing to minimize the risk of bad hires and move fast to land the best applicants, the 

Sciolytix Sales Performance Predictor (S2P2) is a next-generation talent assessment that quickly and accurately predicts quota attainment while delivering an engaging, differentiated experience for candidates.

Traditional hiring assessments are usually better than gut instinct, but like any tests, candidates hate taking them. Furthermore, traditional assessments only predict potential and not performance. S2P2 puts candidates into realistic selling situations with 3D avatar simulations, scores their interactions with virtual prospects, and through AI, predicts their expected quota attainment. 

S2P2 gives your managers insight to avoid bad hiring decisions, improves hiring objectivity and consistency, and shows candidates you are a forward-thinking company that takes their development seriously. 

Bottom line, we are revolutionizing the way organizations hire, onboard, develop talent, and create a fair hiring process for all. Predictive simulations are the latest enhancement we’re adding to that arsenal of products. 

Author: Dario Priolo

Dario brings over 20 years of experience in the sales enablement and talent development industry. He has led marketing and strategy as CMO for leading companies like the Hay Group, Miller Heiman and Profiles International and has been part of 4 successful exits, including his own start-up.


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