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Sciolytix Chief Scientist David Solot Ph.D on Panel at Virtual Collaboration Zone Conference

Our Chief Science Officer Dr. David Solot, Ph.D will join Richard Mann, Chief Product Officer at Decisely, and Chris Cella, VP of Product Management at GR8 People, for HR Tech Alliances’ Virtual Collaboration Zone conference on Wednesday April 21st, 2021 from 10-11AM! The topic of the panel is “Realigning Product Roadmaps: Strategies for Talent Mngmt for the Modern World.” Reserve your seat here today!

About the Panel

At the Virtual Collaboration Zone conference, Dr. Solot and his co-panelists will discuss the challenges of adjusting clearly defined product roadmaps in the talent management industry during uncertain times. In addition, each member of the panel will share their perspective on re-aligning product roadmaps as market demands change. Also, they will take a deep dive into topics such as adding support for evolving compensation strategies, leveraging benefits with better analytics, choosing between building native features or integrating with external products and services for benefits and compensation, and more. All you have to do to hear these great product management leaders and innovators’ thoughts is reserve your seat and show up at 10AM on April 21st!

About David Solot

Dr. David Solot is an industrial-organizational psychologist with 20 years’ experience in assessment and learning and has focused on working to merge psychology with technology to yield actionable insights through behavior change.

Dr. Solot holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Walden University, M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the University of North Carolina (Greensboro), and B.A. in Psychology from Rutgers University. David is a member of the American Psychological Association, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and SHRM and serves on Rutgers University’s Big Data Board of Advisors. He has been published by CNN and Entrepreneur.

About Sciolytix

Sciolytix is the technology innovator behind DigitalChalk LMS and UPtick, which specialize in experiential learning to improve business performance through behavior change. Our Deep ScoringTM methodology gives leaders insight to manage individuals and teams strategically, unlock human potential, and predict the likelihood of organizational and individual success. Our immersive training experiences inspire engagement; help employees learn, develop, and grow; and prepare people for real-world challenges they encounter every day.

For more information, contact Jeff Meyers at jeff.meyers@sciolytix.com or (856) 651-8978.

Author: Karle Stinehour

We’re revolutionizing how organizations assess, onboard and grow their employees. Our software solutions use immersive learning and advanced analytics to measure and optimize workforce behavior critical to business outcomes. Now you can validate the skills of applicants and minimize the risk of bringing on the wrong talents. Reduce ramp time through personalized learning powered by artificial intelligence. And use virtual simulations to instill best practices that stick.


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